Elections NI

Open data for the Assembly Elections #AE22

Looking for volunteers to provide live results from count centres - @OrmerodCallum - #AE22
    : 28     : 27  : 12     : 10     : 8     : 2     : 1     : 1     : 1 

Assembley Election 2022

This website is a clone of the original electionsni.org website, being updated for the Assembly Election 2022 by Callum Ormerod, as the original site is no longer being supported by the NICVA.

Updating this website has been a fairly last minute endevour, so please bare with me if there are any problems/issues/delays.

If anyone is attending any of the counts and wishes to help by providing informations after each round, please contact me on twitter, or by email (callumormerod85@gmail.com)

Full credit to Bob Harper and Brian Cleland for the exceptional initial design of this website and for making it available on Github, so that I'm able to do this.

The Project

The Elections NI Open Data project is a collaboration of people who wanted to produce datasets and visualisations of the 2016 Northern Ireland Assembly elections, led by ODI Belfast at NICVA and the NI Open Government Network.

We don't receive funding for the project and we are independent of any political party or candidate. However, we are grateful to NICVA for providing the domain name.

Though we use data produced by the Electoral Office for Northern Ireland, we are not associated with them in any way, and this website does not imply that we (or our data) are endorsed by them.

You can find us on Twitter: @ElectionsNI


If you're are observing at a count centre you can help contribute to the live data. This won't take much of your time, just snap a picture of the results board, email or tweet it to us, and we'll update the live results (see the 2011 version). That's it!

It doesn't matter if you're observing as an individual or for a party, you can still help. If you'd like to be involved and contribute to the open database, please get in contact:

You will need to apply for an electoral observer pass from the Electoral Commission by midnight on Tuesday 21 February 2017: click here for details.

The eight count centres are:

More information about the centres and observing is available on the Electoral Office website.

Open Data

Making sure that other people can use, modify and share our data is important to us, and for this reason our data is open.


We are particularly grateful to those who are giving their time to cover the results at the count centres:

Annamay McNally, Austin Orr, Cliodhna Rae, Colm Burns, David McBurney, GrĂ¡inne Walsh, Ryan McAleer, Steve Donnan, Stratagem NI

You can also join the Open Government Network Forum.